Employment Permits

The Critical Skills Employment Permit (CSEP)

Designed to facilitate the entrance of highly skilled personnel into Ireland. 

CSEP Benefits

  • A Labour Market Needs Test is not required.
  • Holders of a CSEP do not have to renew the Permit; after 2 years on the CSEP they may apply to move to a Stamp 4. This allows the Holder to work in Ireland without an employment permit.
  • Immediate entry of family – spouse, de facto partner (subject to pre – clearance) civil partnership, dependent children of 18 and under (or up to 23 years in full time education, or older children with medical/ psychological needs).
  • Stamp 1G available to a spouse, de facto partner; this allows work in Ireland without the requirement for an employment permit.
  • After a period of 2 years on a CSEP and 3 years on the following Stamp 4, the Holder may apply to naturalise as Irish. 

CSEP Criteria 

  • The job offer must be for a period of not less than 24 months.
  • The job must have either: An annual gross basic minimum salary of over €64,000, available to all job types (apart from those on the Ineligible Categories of Employment List). In this instance the candidate does not require a relevant degree but must have the necessary level of experience, or
  • An annual gross basic minimum salary of €38,000 (rising to an indicative rate of €44,000 from January 2025), available to a restricted number of strategically important occupations: ICT professionals, health care professionals, engineers/ technologists, researchers/ natural scientists, business / financial professionals, specialist managers. A relevant degree or higher is required. 
  • 50% or more of the employees in the firm must be EEA nationals at the time of application. This restriction may be waived in respect of start-up companies supported by Enterprise Ireland or IDA Ireland. 
  • The job offer must be unconditional and from a bona-fide employer based and trading in Ireland.

CSEP Challenges and Solutions

The CSEP criteria and application process can pose challenges to the applicant; particularly establishing the employment background, job type and relevance of the degree. The presentation of the correct documents to government and accuracy on the application form also require consideration. 

We successfully handle a substantial number of CSEP applications for a variety of sectors and are experts in CSEP acquisition. Contact us on your CSEP matter –   for a chat, briefing service, or full application service. We are always delighted to assist.


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The Stamp 4, following on from the CSEP

Following 2 years on the CSEP, Holders may apply for a Stamp 4. This stamp allows the Holder to work in Ireland without an employment permit.

Stamp 4 Benefits

  • Holders may work in Ireland without the need for an employment permit. The Immigration permission granted by the Garda National Immigration Bureau (GNIB) will be for two years, which is then renewable subject to the persons concerned meeting all relevant criteria.
  • The family of Holders – spouses, de facto partners (pre- clearance required) / civil partners; are given immediate access to residency and employment in Ireland under the Stamp 1 G arrangement. 
  • After 3 years on the Stamp 4 (and the previous 2 years on the CSEP) the Holder may apply to naturalise as Irish.

Stamp 4 Criteria 

  • Candidates must firstly apply for a support letter from the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation (DEBI) and subsequently present themselves for registration renewal at the GNIB.
  • The CSEP must have been held for a period of 24 months for the employer of record stated on the permit. 
  • The Holder must have complied with their previous immigration and employment permit conditions and be of good character.

Stamp 4 Challenges and Solutions

The criteria to obtain the DBEI support letter and application process can pose challenges to the applicant; particularly establishing that they have met with previous immigration and employment permit requirements for the requisite duration. The presentation of the correct documents to government and accuracy on the application form also require consideration

We successfully handle a substantial number of support letters in respect of Stamp 4 acquisition from the DBEI for clients from a variety of sectors and are experts in the transition from a CSEP to a Stamp 4. Contact us on your transition to a Stamp 4 – for a chat, briefing service, or full application service. We are always delighted to assist.


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Intra Company Transfer Permits (ICT)

Intra Company Transfer Permits, or ICT, are designed to facilitate the temporary injection of corporate or HQ personnel into the Irish branch of a company, via the transfer of senior managers, key personnel and trainees, from an overseas company branch. 

ICT Benefits

  • Employees remain on the foreign payroll. This can be desirable for the employee as it can ensure they retain certain benefits, such as foreign pension contributions.
  • Immediate entry of family – spouse, de facto partner (subject to pre – clearance) civil partnership, dependent children of 18 and under (or up to 23 years in full time education, or older children with medical/ psychological needs).
  • If the employee is required for a longer duration the Holder may apply for an alternative employment permit, such as a CSEP or GEP, after holding the ICT for 1 year. 
  • Available for a period of 6 – 24 months upon the initial application, renewable for a duration of up to 5 years.

ICT Criteria 

  • Senior Management or Key Personnel must have been working for a minimum of 6 months with the overseas company prior to transfer; this is reduced to 1 month in respect of trainees.
  • The Irish branch of the company must be a bona-fide employer based and trading in Ireland. 
  • The foreign branch of the organisation must be engaged in substantive business operations in the foreign country.  
  • The Irish and foreign company must be linked: Subsidiaries or have entered into a business/ services agreement. 
  • A minimum annual wage of €46,000 (rising to €53,000 in January 2025) (or
  • Trainee ICT permits €34,000 (rising to €39,000 in January 2025).  
  • Health insurance payments must be made to a health insurer recognised by the DBEI. 

ICT Challenges and Solutions

The ICT criteria and application process can pose challenges to the applicant; particularly establishing the requisite period of employment with the over- seas company, job type, links between the 2 companies and renumeration. The presentation of the correct documents to government and accuracy on the application form also require consideration.

We successfully handle a substantial number of ICT applications for a variety of sectors and are experts in ICT acquisition. Contact us on your ICT matter –   for a chat, briefing service, or full application service. We are always delighted to assist.


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General Employment Permits (GEP)

General Employment Permits, or GEP, are designed for occupations which are experiencing a labour/ skills shortage. 

GEP Benefits

  • All occupations are eligible, apart from those listed on the government’s Ineligible Categories of Employment for Employment Permits List.
  • Either the foreign national or the prospective employer can apply for a GEP.  
  • Available for a period of 6 – 24 months upon the initial application, renewable for a duration of up to 5 years.
  • After a period of 5 years on a GEP, the Holder may apply to INIS to naturalise as Irish. 
  • Entry of family once the GEP Holder has held the permit for 12 months – spouse, de facto partner (subject to pre – clearance) civil partnership, dependent children of 18 and under (or up to 23 years in full time education, or older children with medical/ psychological needs).

GEP Criteria 

  • The post must have a salary in excess of €34,000 (rising to €39,000 in January 2025). A lower renumeration is considered for certain applications, please contact us for fuller details.
  • The employee must have the requisite skills, experience and where required qualifications associated with the job. 
  • The employer must have undergone the statutory labour market needs test; however, this is not required: Where the post is on the Highly Skilled Occupation List; where the employing company has IDA or Enterprise Ireland support; where the job offer is in respect of an eligible employment with a minimum annual remuneration of €64,000.
  • The job offer must be unconditional and from a bona-fide employer based and trading in Ireland. 
  • 50% or more of the employees in the firm must be EEA nationals at the time of application. This restriction may be waived in respect of start-up companies supported by Enterprise Ireland or IDA Ireland. 

GEP Challenges and Solutions

The GEP criteria, application process and statutory labour market needs test can pose challenges to the applicant; particularly establishing the job type, the candidate’s employment background and completing the statutory labour market needs test, or, establishing that it is not required. The presentation of the correct documents to government and accuracy on the application form also require consideration.

We successfully handle a substantial number of GEP applications for a variety of sectors and are experts in GEP acquisition. We also handle the statutory labour market needs test/ establishing its negation. Contact us on your GEP matter –   for a chat, briefing service, or full application service. We are always delighted to assist.


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The Contract for Services Employment Permit (CSP)

The Contract for Services Employment Permit, or CSP, is designed for situations where a foreign entity has won a contract to provide services to an Irish entity on a contract for services basis. This permit facilitates the transfer of non-EEA employees to work on contract in Ireland. 

CSP Benefits

  • The CSP allows those on contract to enter Ireland without a direct hire into the Irish company.
  • Employees remain on the foreign payroll. This can be desirable for the employee as it can ensure they retain certain benefits, such as foreign pension contributions.
  • Entry of family once the CSP Holder has held the permit for 12 months – spouse, de facto partner (subject to pre – clearance) civil partnership, dependent children of 18 and under (or up to 23 years in full time education, or older children with medical/ psychological needs).
  • If the employee is required for a longer duration on a direct hire into the Irish entity, the Holder may apply for an alternative employment permit, such as a CSEP or GEP, after holding the CSP for 1 year. 
  • Available for a period of 6 – 24 months upon the initial application, renewable for a duration of up to 5 years.

CSP Criteria

  • The contract involved must be a 1 to 1 contract with an Irish entity. Permits can only be considered for the term of the contact.  
  • The employee must have been working for a minimum period of 6 months with the Contractor (over – seas company) prior to transfer.   
  • The Contractor must be registered with the Revenue Commissioners as an employer and, if applicable, be registered with the Companies Registration Office. 
  • Minimum annual gross basic of €46,000 rising to €53,000 from January 2025
  • The employee remains on the foreign payroll and a shadow payroll is operated in Ireland for tax purposes.
  • Health insurance payments must be made to a health insurer recognised by the DBEI. 
  • At least 50% of the employees of the Contractor or of the Irish company with whom the contract is held, must be EU/ EEA nationals. 
  • The employer must have undergone the statutory labour market needs test, however, this is not required: Where the post is on the Highly Skilled Occupation List; where the employing company has IDA or Enterprise Ireland support; where the job offer is in respect of an eligible employment with a minimum annual remuneration of €64,000.

CSP Challenges and Solutions

The CSP criteria and application process can pose challenges to the applicant; particularly the details of the contract between the 2 companies, establishing the candidate’s employment background, the job type and the renumeration. The set – up and operation of the shadow payroll in Ireland also require to be addressed. We have an established partnership with Cregan Accountants, who will manage this process for you.  The presentation of the correct documents to government and accuracy on the application form also require consideration. 

We successfully handle a substantial number of CSP applications for a variety of sectors and are experts in CSP acquisition. Contact us on your CSP matter –   for a chat, briefing service, or full application service. We are always delighted to assist.


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Atypical Working Authorisation Scheme (AWS)

This is a joint initiative of INIS and the DBEI, Atypical Working Authorisations are designed to provide a streamlined mechanism to deal with atypical, short term employment or certain other employment situations which are not governed by the Employment Permits Acts. 

AWS Benefits

  • Facilitates short duration contracts of a 15 – 90 day basis.
  • The employee may remain on the home payroll.
  • The AWS allows those on contract to enter Ireland without a direct hire into the Irish company. 
  • It allows for a shorter period than an ICT.

AWS Criteria

  • The employee must be bringing a specialised or high skill into the Irish business. 
  • Health insurance payments must be made to a health insurer recognised by the DBEI. 
  • Any applicant may use an issued AWS in a 6 month period. 

Challenges and Solutions

The AWS application process can pose challenges to the applicant; particularly establishing the details of the sending company and the details of the project in Ireland. The presentation of the correct documents to government and accuracy on the application form also require consideration. 

We successfully handle a substantial number of AWS applications for a variety of sectors and are experts in AWS acquisition. Contact us if you have an employee(s) required in Ireland on a short duration contract –   for a chat, briefing service, or full application service. We are always delighted to assist.


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Van der Elst Visa

Van der Elst visas are designed to facilitate short term contracts, allowing non- EU citizens working in one EU jurisdiction to work in another EU jurisdiction without the need for an employment permit. 

Van der Elst Visa Benefits

  • Non- EU nationals (legally resident and employed in one EU jurisdiction) deployed to Ireland to deliver services to an Irish based client, may utilise a Van der Elst Visa and avoid the need for an employment permit.
  • Facilitates contracts of up to a maximum of 12 consecutive months.
  • Candidate remains on home EU payroll 

Van der Elst Visa Criteria

  • Applicants must be direct employees of the EU sending company, lawfully employed and resident in the other EU jurisdiction. 
  • Van der Elst Visas are only available to general employees of the sending company and not to certain other employees (those on an ICT, company directors, self- employed). 
  • The sending and Irish company must have a contractual arrangement regarding the sending of the employee(s).

Van der Elst Visa Challenges and Solutions

The Van der Elst Visa application process can pose challenges to the applicant; particularly establishing the candidate’s immigration status in their EU country of residence, their legal employment status with the sending company and the details of the contract between the 2 companies. The presentation of the correct documents to government and accuracy on the application form also require consideration.

We successfully handle a substantial number of Van der Elst Visa applications for a variety of sectors and are experts in its acquisition. Contact us on your Van der Elst matter –   for a chat, briefing service, or full application service. We are always delighted to assist.Visa policy of Ireland


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Employment Permit Renewals

We successfully handle a substantial number of employment permit renewals for the full suite of employment permits and work – based status (where applicable).  If you instructed our services for the original application this means we have a reduced information in – gather which speeds the process. 

Contact us on your renewal for a chat, briefing service, or full application service. We are always delighted to assist.


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