Qualifying Family Members of GEP and CSP Holders
The family of GEP and CSP Holders are obliged to wait until the Holder has been on the permit for 12 months prior to applying to enter Ireland as dependents. If the family member is a visa required national, they will need to apply for a Spousal/ Dependent Visa. Please see our visa section for further details.
Qualifying Family Members of ICT Holders
The qualifying family of ICT Holders enter immediately as the dependent(s) of the Holder. They cannot work on the basis of their relationship to the ICT holder; but may apply for an employment permit in their own right. If the family member is a visa required national, they will need to apply for a Spousal/ Dependent Visa. Please see our visa section for further details.
Residence Card of a Family Member of an EU/ EEA or Swiss Citizen
EU Treaty Rights allow EU/ EEA/ Swiss nationals to move between EU countries for work purposes. The Residence Card facilitates the family members of this national to move with them. You may apply for a Residence Card, if you are the qualifying family member (spouse, child, grandchild, dependent parent or dependent grandparent) or permitted family member (long term, de facto partner) of an EU/EEA or Swiss family member who resides in Ireland. To obtain a card, your family member must use their EU Treaty Rights to sponsor an application by you. EU Treaty Rights allow EU/ EEA/ Swiss nationals to move between EU countries for work purposes. The Residence Card facilitates the
A successful application leads to a Stamp 4, which allows residence and work in Ireland without the need for an employment permit.
The EU application can present challenges, particularly in the documentation requested and detail of information required. Please contact us for further information on this matter.