Tag Archives: Employment Permits

Breaking news for Botswanan and South African Nationals travelling to Ireland – Visas now required.

Holders of South African and Botswanan passports now require an Irish visa for travel to [...]

Irish Work Permit Procedure Changes

Irish work permit procedure changes impacting refused or cancelled GEPs. The Department of Enterprise, Trade [...]


Changes to the General Employment Permit Return and Refund scheme

The Employment Permit System is currently experiencing a high level of demand. In order to [...]

Post lock down Restrictions on Global Mobility and Solutions to get your Business-Critical High Skill Workers into Ireland

The Changing Dynamic and Restrictions on Global Mobility We live in interesting times. As economies [...]

COVID – 19 Remote working for permit holders

Holders of permits are able to work remotely for the duration of the current pubic [...]

COVID-19 Employment Permit System Contingency Arrangements. Permit processing. 30th March 2020

The following is a summary of contingency arrangements put in place to cover impacts fro [...]

COVID-19 Employment Permits System Contingency Arrangements 30th March 2020

The Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation has implemented a contingency plan to ensure that [...]